Sunday, May 15, 2011

Carbohydrates - macronutrient information

Carbohydrates play an important role in providing energy for the body. The tissues and organs - brain, muscle, liver, blood cells, etc. - can all be fueled by carbohydrates. The best sources of carbohydrates are fresh whole vegetables and fruits. These foods contain sugars that are bound to other beneficial nutrients like fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Thus, they are not considered refined sugars. The fiber is especially important as it prevents large blood sugar spikes into the bloodstream.

VEGETABLES & FRUITS - #1 source of healthy carbohydrates

Sadly, many people do not consume the majority of their carbs from vegetables and fruits. They consume them from junk food usually in the form of baked goods. Products like cookies, crackers, cakes, chips, candy, soda, and breads are usually high in refined carbohydrates. These are the calories that are most easily converted into unwanted fat in the body. Try to limit these sources of carbs.


  1. What are large blood sugar spikes? What lind of fruit or vegtable do you recomend the most

  2. Large blood sugar spikes occur when you sugar travels very quickly from your digestive tract into your blood stream - this causes a large spike in the hormone insulin which can lead to unwanted fat storage.

    I recommend a variety of fruits/veggies. I would most recommend berries for fruit - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. For vegetables I'm a big fan of spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, egg plant, squash, and sweet potatoes.

  3. Mr.Recker,
    How do you cut cumquates? And did I spell that right? Also, how muck nutrician is in them and what do they taste like?

  4. Hi Sage. I think you mean "Kumquats." The kumquat is much like an orange, but you can actually eat the whole thing. Peel it if you wish though. They deliver a nice dose of vitamin C, carotenes like lutein, and fiber. A very nice fruit choice. They have a unique sweet/sour flavor. Thanks for the question!
