Sunday, September 26, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 4 - Sleep & Rest

Sleep is one of the most necessary functions performed by the human body. You cannot survive without it. It is the critical time when our bodies repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate. The healing process is greatest when we sleep. Without proper restful sleep, the body is sure to break down.

Research out of New Zealand and the University of Michigan found that children who get less than 9 hours of sleep per night are at a much greater risk for weight gain. When the body does not get the rest it needs, metabolism is disrupted. It is then hard for the body to use food for energy. Instead it begins to store it as fat. This raises the risk of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

Poor sleep problems lead to poor mood and concentration, tiredness, and greater stress levels. The Cleveland Children’s Sleep and Health Study found that when the body feels this way, food cravings also increase. This causes many people to eat junk food unnecessarily.

When you get enough sleep you will get along with others better, your brain will work better, and you will have more energy. Your immune system will also be stronger and you will recover from exercise and injury faster.

Did you know sleep was so important to the body? How many hours of sleep do you get each night? How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep? Please share your thoughts, questions, and comments below!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 3 - Food

The food we eat is immensely important to our health. In fact, food can actually turn on genes in our body that cause our cells to function properly or cause them to malfunction. Food contains information or directions for our body. It all comes down to the choices we make. A diet rich in fresh whole, natural foods programs the body to work the way it was designed to work. A diet rich in processed junk food programs the body to break down.

Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meat are all great whole food choices. Meat, eggs, nuts and seeds provide great sources of protein and fat to help nourish and rebuild tissues and cells in the body. Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Many research studies have proven that fruits and vegetables can boost the immune system, protect vital organs including the brain and heart, and lower the risk of all lifestyle related diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. The best diet includes a variety of these whole foods to ensure a broad spectrum of nutrients to aid, protect, and repair the body. Growing your own food in a garden or farmers markets are the two best sources to obtain fresh healthy food.

Processed food is generally unhealthy and should be limited to stay healthy. Read the ingredients list and nutrition facts before you purchase something. A diet that includes a lot of sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, additives, artificial colors and sweeteners is very detrimental to the body. This is like filling up your gas tank with sludge. It is the wrong fuel that can cause the body’s systems to malfunction. If you couldn’t grow it, pick it, or hunt it 300 years ago, chances are it’s not very good for you.

Below is a list of 5 “superfoods” that I highly recommend. They are packed full of powerful nutrition to help you feel awesome! Check them out!

1. Blueberries – The U.S Department of Agriculture has found that the phytonutrients in blueberries can boost the immune system, improve metabolism, improve circulation, prevent bone loss, protect the brain, and fight cancer.
2. Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts are included in this family. They contain powerful phytonutrients that have been shown to help prevent cancer.
3. Walnuts – Walnuts contain many minerals, vitamins, and fats that nourish the brain and nerves in the body. They’ve been called “brain food” in Asian cultures.
4. Eggs – Eggs are an awesome source of protein and fat-soluble nutrients. They contain protein for tissues and the immune system, carotenes to protect the eyes and skin, and choline to build healthy brain cells.
5. Avocados – Avocados contain over 20 different vitamins, minerals, fats, and phytonutrients. They can be eaten in many different ways, and are sure to boost your immune system.

Did you know that food contains instructions for your body? How important is eating healthy to you? Do you ever check the ingredients and food label before you purchase or eat something? What types of healthy foods do you enjoy? Please share your thoughts, comments, and questions below!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 2 - Stress, Mood, and Play

How is your mood? Do you feel happy, energized, and ready to take on the challenges of the day? Being in a good mood helps us feel well. It allows us to think clearly, communicate with others, and enjoy all life has to offer. One of the biggest reasons for a poor mood is stress.

Too much stress makes us feel irritated, bothered, worried, angry, upset, and grumpy. Basically, we become overwhelmed by life’s challenges. When stress reaches this point, inflammatory signals in the body run too hot and can damage our health. Almost every organ and tissue in the body can be negatively affected by too much stress, including the brain, heart, nerves, and skin.

So what can we do to stop the wear and tear that stress can cause on the body? The number one thing to combat stress is energy. When our bodies make energy well, we can meet emotional and physical demands better. You can help your body create more energy by exercising and eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and quality protein like meat and eggs. These foods contain nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and carnitine, which help make energy and protect the nerves.

Aside from a good diet and exercise, taking the time to play is an important part of controlling stress and enhancing mood. Play simply means having fun, relaxing, and taking the edge off life. A research study in New Zealand found that workers were 82% more productive, and they slept better after taking a vacation. An article in the New York Times described how taking the time to relax and play can boost the immune system. In Australia, it was found that those who took breaks had better blood circulation and a healthy body weight. Try to discover activities that you enjoy. Sports, playing an instrument, dancing, gardening, playing a yard game, fishing, and reading are all examples of play. Taking the time to play is also a great way to bond with your friends and family, thus improving your relationships.

Find a way to forget about your worries. Some people enjoy calming music along with deep long breathes to relax. Some enjoy prayer or another form of meditation. Still others just need to laugh, which has always been a wonderful remedy to cheer up. There are many options available. The important thing is to try not to let stress overwhelm you. It is a natural part of life. In fact, a little bit of stress each day is good for us. We just have to find ways to keep it at a healthy level.

What stresses you out the most? How do you deal with that stress? What are your favorite ways to play and relax? What puts you in a good mood? Please share your comments, questions, and thoughts below!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 1 - EXERCISE!

Exercise! Is it really that important? Does it actually do anything for us? Is it necessary to be healthy? The big answer is YES! Making the choice to exercise is one of the most important decisions we face every day. It can make a huge difference in how our bodies feel. There are hundreds of books and scientific studies a person could read to find out about the awesome power of exercise and its effects on the human body. Below you will read about some of the most important reasons to include exercise in your life every week. As you read below, think about how important these things are to you.

1. Exercise teaches our bodies to move better! Humans were meant to move. Throughout our history, we have always been on the move, whether it was to search for food and shelter, or to explore new lands. We have never been people who sit for long periods of time. Running, jumping, hopping, skipping, crawling, lifting, pushing, pulling, and swimming are all great ways to improve your mobility! Your muscles, bones, and tissues will become stronger, and you will be more physically fit!

2. Your brain will work better! The University of Chile found that exercise causes the release of BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) in the brain, which acts to rejuvenate and repair brain cells. Exercise also increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients to the brain which helps build new healthy brain cells.

3. Exercise makes you happy! The University of Bonn in Germany discovered that exercise helps the body release endorphins and dopamine in the brain, which gives you a feeling of relaxation and pleasure. Endorphins also act as a powerful natural pain reliever.

4. Exercise creates energy! When you exercise consistently, your body learns that it needs to have more energy on reserve. Therefore, the more you exercise, the more energy your body will make.

5. Exercise boosts your immune system! Researchers at Appalachian State University found that people who were physically fit had better working immune cells. This means you will be able to fight off bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders much easier.

6. Exercise protects your heart! Researchers from the University of Rochester School of Medicine found that exercise strengthens and relaxes arteries. When your heart starts to beat fast, your body releases something called eNOS, which allows blood to flow easier throughout the body.

7. Exercise allows your body to detoxify!. Pollution is something we all come in contact with. Sweating and breathing hard are two great ways to eliminate environmental toxins from the body.

8. Exercise improves your metabolism! When we exercise, it is much easier for our bodies to use food as energy. Researchers from Taiwan found that consistent exercise allows the body to use food to power our cells, instead of storing it as fat.

You’ve just read some of the wonderful benefits of exercise. Which of these things are most important to you? What are your exercise goals? Does this information make you want to exercise? What is your favorite way to exercise? Please write your thoughts, comments, and questions below!