Sunday, September 26, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 4 - Sleep & Rest

Sleep is one of the most necessary functions performed by the human body. You cannot survive without it. It is the critical time when our bodies repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate. The healing process is greatest when we sleep. Without proper restful sleep, the body is sure to break down.

Research out of New Zealand and the University of Michigan found that children who get less than 9 hours of sleep per night are at a much greater risk for weight gain. When the body does not get the rest it needs, metabolism is disrupted. It is then hard for the body to use food for energy. Instead it begins to store it as fat. This raises the risk of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

Poor sleep problems lead to poor mood and concentration, tiredness, and greater stress levels. The Cleveland Children’s Sleep and Health Study found that when the body feels this way, food cravings also increase. This causes many people to eat junk food unnecessarily.

When you get enough sleep you will get along with others better, your brain will work better, and you will have more energy. Your immune system will also be stronger and you will recover from exercise and injury faster.

Did you know sleep was so important to the body? How many hours of sleep do you get each night? How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep? Please share your thoughts, questions, and comments below!


  1. This blog helped me think more about how sleep affects your body. My brother and I get about 8 and a half hours of sleep each night. I feel angry when I am sleep deprived. If my brother and I do not get enough sleep, we have to take a nap on the weekend.

  2. I did know that sleep is important to your health but I did not know THAT much about it. My usual sleep hours range from 7-9 hours of sleep. If I get less than 9 hours of sleep I tend to be groggy or later on in the day I will feel frustrated over little things. When I get enough hours of sleep I tend to wake up tired but about a hour after breakfast my energy kicks in.
    I also tend to read at night especially if I am not at all tired. How does that help me to fall asleep?

  3. WOW! I never knew sleep was so helpful. I usually get 8 hours of sleep. That's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also never knew sleep could help you recover. That's so neat. So, if you don't get enough sleep can you damage your body or brain in any particular way?
    Thanks for the info Emma B

  4. I get about 8 1/2 or 9 hours of sleep at night. If I don't get enough sleep, I get grumpy. How many hours of sleep do you usually get at night?
