Sunday, September 19, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 3 - Food

The food we eat is immensely important to our health. In fact, food can actually turn on genes in our body that cause our cells to function properly or cause them to malfunction. Food contains information or directions for our body. It all comes down to the choices we make. A diet rich in fresh whole, natural foods programs the body to work the way it was designed to work. A diet rich in processed junk food programs the body to break down.

Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meat are all great whole food choices. Meat, eggs, nuts and seeds provide great sources of protein and fat to help nourish and rebuild tissues and cells in the body. Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Many research studies have proven that fruits and vegetables can boost the immune system, protect vital organs including the brain and heart, and lower the risk of all lifestyle related diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. The best diet includes a variety of these whole foods to ensure a broad spectrum of nutrients to aid, protect, and repair the body. Growing your own food in a garden or farmers markets are the two best sources to obtain fresh healthy food.

Processed food is generally unhealthy and should be limited to stay healthy. Read the ingredients list and nutrition facts before you purchase something. A diet that includes a lot of sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, preservatives, additives, artificial colors and sweeteners is very detrimental to the body. This is like filling up your gas tank with sludge. It is the wrong fuel that can cause the body’s systems to malfunction. If you couldn’t grow it, pick it, or hunt it 300 years ago, chances are it’s not very good for you.

Below is a list of 5 “superfoods” that I highly recommend. They are packed full of powerful nutrition to help you feel awesome! Check them out!

1. Blueberries – The U.S Department of Agriculture has found that the phytonutrients in blueberries can boost the immune system, improve metabolism, improve circulation, prevent bone loss, protect the brain, and fight cancer.
2. Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts are included in this family. They contain powerful phytonutrients that have been shown to help prevent cancer.
3. Walnuts – Walnuts contain many minerals, vitamins, and fats that nourish the brain and nerves in the body. They’ve been called “brain food” in Asian cultures.
4. Eggs – Eggs are an awesome source of protein and fat-soluble nutrients. They contain protein for tissues and the immune system, carotenes to protect the eyes and skin, and choline to build healthy brain cells.
5. Avocados – Avocados contain over 20 different vitamins, minerals, fats, and phytonutrients. They can be eaten in many different ways, and are sure to boost your immune system.

Did you know that food contains instructions for your body? How important is eating healthy to you? Do you ever check the ingredients and food label before you purchase or eat something? What types of healthy foods do you enjoy? Please share your thoughts, comments, and questions below!


  1. WOW! Great information! This really inspired me to stay eating healthy and choose my foods carefully. My dad is an organic farmer and we have two gardens on our land eat consists of tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic, colrabi, carrots, broccali, rhaspberries and just this year, blackberries. I am also vegatarian!! I enjoy just about all the veggies that we grow in our garden and I also love many fruits and breads. Healthy eating is a very important subject for me because I know that eating healthy is a great way to stay healthy and keep your body functioning. When I shop for groceries with mom I will sometimes look at the ingredient label on any new foods that we buy just so I know what I'm eating. Being a healthy eater is a great thing for me and I enjoy it a lot! Thank You!

  2. i think some food is great for you like carrots watermelon strawberries and lots more and some can even help your body.some can be healthy for you but they don't help your body like chicken.but some can be realy bad for you by izaak p

  3. I didn't know food had instructions for your body. I kind of think about how healthy I eat. I check the ingredients at the store with my mom. Dr. Oz said on his show things to look for. I checked the cereal we got. I like carrots, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, green beans and fresh corn. What's in raspberries that make them healthy? They are my favorite.

  4. Emma,
    That is very cool! Eating healthy is super important to me too. 95% of the food I eat is Organic. I really like fresh organic fruits and veggies. I planted my first organic garden this summer. We had squash, cucumbers, blueberries, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet corn, and beans. I purchase my meat and eggs from a small organic farmer who raises all his animals on pasture/grass. The animals are much healthier as they get to eat their natural diet and they are raised humanely. How long has your dad been an organic farmer? Does he sell his produce anywhere? Thanks for the great post!

  5. Pierce - Berries are the number one fruit I recommend to everyone. Raspberries, like all berries, are packed full of nutrients called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins do an awesome job of protecting the heart and brain. They have also been show to aid metabolism, helping the body burn fat and stay lean. Thanks for the great post!

  6. Izaak - Chicken can actually be quite helpful to the body. It is a rich source of protein, which helps rebuild and repair the body.

  7. No I didn't know that food contains instructions for your body.Eating healthy is pretty important to me because I've had heart problems. I sometimes check the label on food and ask mom what is in the dinner we have that night. I enjoy saled with ranch,celery,fruits,and pecans.
    Thanks for the info,
    Emma B

  8. Paige,
    It was cool, it had a lot of healthy fruits in it.Sometimes I ask my mom what is in the dinner we have that night.I eat healthy food for lunch at school or at home.I love salad with ranch, lettuce, fruits, and bacon.Thanks for the information.

  9. Nate
    I like strawberries and watermelon for fruits. Also I like to eat grilled chicken salads they are my favorite. Thanks for the information. I will get my family to eat better foods for them.

  10. My brother hates veggies and healthy food. Sometimes I wonder why my brother dosen't get fat, but he does love to exercise and do sports. Can you still be healthy if you don't eat the right foods?

  11. Some people are able to metabolize junk food better than others. Eventually though, eating a poor diet will catch up to those people. Junk food turns on genes in the body that cause wear and tear. Although you may not see the damage on the outside for awhile (getting fat), there is damage occurring on the inside of the body. It is very rare that a person can be healthy and not eat the right foods. Most people cannot do it.

  12. Great post! We buy blueberries, rasberries, strawberries and cherries. What is the serving size for these berries? My mom seems to thinks that it is a half a cup or a cup, but she is not sure what it is? What is your opinion on but the nutritional value of cherries? My family loves cherries and we eat a lot of them when they are in season. My mom insists we have a serving of fruit every meal of the day. I like some kinds of nuts and sunflower seeds. We were going to plant a garden this summer, but we did not get the time to do it. We also tried to go to the farmer's but we only went once. I like broccoli, blueberries, and eggs from the superfoods list. Are animals still good for you if they eat a combination of ground corn and grass? Thanks again for the great post.

  13. Hey Maddie. Cherries do actually pack a pretty powerful nutritional punch. In fact recent research has shown that they can be a wonderful aid in helping the body combat arthritis and gout. A serving is usually about a cup, but a half a cup is great too. I planted a garden this summer and it was awesome having all that fresh food. In fact I'm still eating cucumbers, squash, peppers, tomatoes, and green beans from it! Maybe next year you will get it planted. The more grass/pasture an animal has access to, the healthier it will be. Thanks for the great comment!

  14. My dad has been an organic farmer for about ten years. That is ever since we lived in my birth city, Dayton, Ohio. My grandparents also have a garden. My dad used to sell his produce at the farmers markets in Dayton, Lincoln and Syracuse. Now we just grow for ourselves. My brother also has a herd of grass fed dairy goats.
