Sunday, March 24, 2013

Student Questions - Round 6

Question: What is the best triceps muscle workout?
Answer: Try push-ups with a narrow stance. Concentrate on keeping the elbows in (preferably at a 45 degree angle). Crab-walking while doing "dips" is also a good triceps workout.

Question: How can I make my body more slim?
Answer: Eating real, whole, natural food (avoid processed junk food), exercise daily, get 9-10 hours of sleep, and develop stress-management strategies. If you follow these principles, your body will naturally lean out over time.

Question: What helps your muscles when they are sore?
Answer: Making sure you get 9-10 quality hours of sleep. This is the #1 time your body repairs broken down muscle tissue. Also make sure you eat complete protein food sources (meats, eggs, cheese, milk,) and healthy carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, rice, sweet potatoes, etc.). Rest and fuel will take care of sore muscles and build them up to be stronger. Other short term options include stretching, warm baths/showers, and massage.

Question: What is a good way to improve your endurance?
Answer: The simple answer is to push your body to go a little longer each time you exercise. For example, the first week I train I might jog for 10 minutes each day. Then the second week I would jog for 15  minutes a day. Then the third week I would do 20 minutes a day. The body gradually adapts and learns how to use oxygen more effectively. It takes consistent training to improve the aerobic energy system, which is your endurance system.

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