Monday, June 28, 2010

Mr. Recker's Garden!

Check out the video below of my awesome garden! I had a small space in the back of my home that needed a lot of work. After clearing out the weeds and rocks, I remineralized the soil using Azomite rock minerals, OceanSolution elements, compost, peat moss, and topsoil. The plants are looking great so far and will hopefully produce a great harvest! Garden veggies are the freshest, healthiest food you will find anywhere - straight off the vine! This summer I planted: Blueberries, Buttercup Squash, Tomatoes, Blackberries, Sweet Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Cantaloupe, Summer Squash, Sugar Snap Peas, White Sweet Corn, Green Beans, Zucchini, Carrots, and Eggplant

1 comment:

  1. that is a great viedo and when i saw it made me what to make one to but i tried but it didnt work
