Monday, June 14, 2010

A Healthy Family Meal

Post your paragraph about your healthy family meal below in the comments section! What did you prepare and how did your family react to it? Remember, it must include four complete sentences.


  1. For my healthy family meal, I decided to make a stir-fry. I started by simmering some olive oil over low heat. After a few minutes I added my stir-fry ingredients which included: broccoli, yellow bell peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, and chicken. Mom helped me chop up the veggies and meat. All the ingredients were picked fresh from our family garden, except for the chicken! The meal was delicious. Everyone in my family told me I should be the family chef! My dad and brother helped by cleaning up the dishes at the end. I can't wait to try another recipe!

  2. Dear Mr. Recker,
    I made a very good but healthy dish.I made steak with mushrooms and a side salad.We were astonished for how good it was.What did you make that was healthy this summer?

    Your friend,

  3. I love veggies! So I should try what you made. It sounds delicious and healthy.
