Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013 Student Questions - Round 3

Question: If you sleep too much, will that sleep stay in your body for the next day?
Answer: I believe you are asking if sleeping too much can make you feel sleepy the next day. In most cases, the answer is no. Kids need at least 9 hours of sleep each night for proper growth and development. If you feel alert and ready to wake up in the morning after you’ve slept about nine hours, I wouldn’t recommend laying in bed for another couple hours. Doing that could actually make you feel groggy or sleepy that day.

Question: Can running too much affect your health (negatively)?
Answer: Running or exercise in general can only turn negative if you’re not allowing for proper recovery. Your muscles and nervous system recover when you get good sleep and eat nutritious foods. If you run a lot or play a lot of sports, make sure you are also getting to bed on time and eating a variety of fresh, whole foods. FYI – Each week for the rest of the school year I will be writing about an “awesome food.” These foods would be great to include in your meals to help your body feel great!

Question: Can you improve your health by eating less, and not eating healthy food?
Answer: Absolutely not. First of all, kids should not be thinking about eating less food. Kids need to think about eating more nutritious food. To grow up healthy and strong, it is very important that your body gets the nutrients it needs. These nutrients are found in things like veggies, fruits, meat, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, and legumes. The worst thing a person can do is start eating less, but only include junk food and sweets in the food that you do eat. It will be very difficult to be at your best on the court or in the classroom. Again, I would encourage everyone to keep an eye out for the “awesome food” of the week that I will be sharing on the blog. Remember, some people have to try a food over ten times before they decide they like it. Don’t give up on a food if you’ve only tried it once or twice. I like many foods now that I didn’t think I liked the first few times I tried them.

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