Monday, May 7, 2012

Eat "Real Food"

The world of nutrition can be quite vast and often times confusing.  Many people aren't sure what, where, or how to eat.  My advice is keep it simple by eating REAL food.  When I say real food, I mean food that is as natural and whole as possible. 

Examples of real food:  Fresh or frozen veggies and fruits, fresh or frozen cuts of meat, eggs, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds and dairy especially fermented dairy like cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir.  This is what a healthy nutritional plan consists of.  If you can't grow it, pick it, hunt it, or raise it, it's probably not real food.

Skip the processed, packaged, refined junk food as much as possible.  Sure, it's convenient and tastes good, but it's far from real food.  If you don't believe me, check the ingredients list on the next packaged food product you buy and count how many ingredients you have no clue about.  Processed food is full of extra additives and sugars to keep it from spoiling on the shelves. 

Food is like instructions for your body.  It programs your body to grow, repair, rejuvenate, and thrive!  That is of course if you are eating real food.  What you put in your body has a direct effect on your health and how you feel.  The human body needs a variety of nutrients including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Eat a variety of the foods I listed above and you will attain all of these nutrients.  They all work in unique ways to aid the body.

I encourage everyone to visit a farmer's market this summer or even start your own garden.  Simply do a Google search for Farmer's Markets in your area and you should get the information you need.  There are also numerous free resources online about gardening.  I particularly like the method of "square foot gardening."  If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or email me!

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