Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Importance of Protein and Immunity

There is a relatively high prevalence of Influenza getting passed around SDA schools right now. With that being the case, I want to emphasize the importance of adequate dietary protein and immune function. Your immune system is what allows you to fight off an invader like a nasty influenza virus. The number one nutrient your body needs to make new immune cells is protein. You've probably noticed how weak and achy your muscles feel after going through a week of the flu. That's because your body will tap into your protein reserves (muscle tissue) to combat the flu virus. Thus the importance of having high quality protein in the diet.

I highly recommend protein sources rich in the amino acid leucine. Leucine is key to helping your body make immune cells quickly when you need them. The best sources for leucine include whey protein, cottage cheese, eggs, animal meats, nuts, and seeds. The amino acid glutamine (found in protein) is also very important. Glutamine also helps make immune troops, especially those lining the digestive tract - which is the first line of defense if a virus is breathed in.

If I had to recommend one food to help fight off any type of pathogen, it would be whey protein isolate. Whey protein isolate is a protein food that is made from dairy. It has many wonderful health benefits that I will be writing more about in the future. In regards to the immune system, whey has been shown to boost "glutathione" levels significantly. Glutathione is a very important cellular antioxidant that helps protect your body. Whey contains lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a component in whey that helps your immune system recognize a virus better, and helps the body tolerate inflammation to a greater extent. Whey can also "power-up" your neutrophils, allowing them to mount a stronger attack against invaders.

Prevention and rejuvenation from a tough bout of influenza or any other illness can be improved with adequate dietary protein. Keep this in mind as we go through the remaining flu-season. I also recommend avoiding sugar as much as possible if you are sick. Sugar decreases the ability of your immune troops to communicate and fight an invader.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them below. You can also email me at "" Thanks for reading!

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