Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Syracuse Stars

Throughout the school year, Mr. Recker and the 3rd-5th grade PE students take part in a program called "Syracuse Stars." Syracuse Stars was created to honor one student in each section of PE class. Students in each section get to vote one time for the classmate of their choice. Mr. Recker gets to vote 3 times for the student/s of his choice. When voting, students are asked to think about a classmate who has displayed the 5 Syracuse Star Qualities. Those qualities are:

1. Work Ethic - someone who tries hard, gives a lot of energy, and strives to improve!
2. Positive Attitude - someone who brings a good mood to class, is enthusiastic, confident, happy, and realizes the benefits of caring for their health!
3. Focus - someone who is on task, alert, listening, and following direction!
4. Sportsmanship - someone who wins and loses with class & dignity, treats their teammates and opponents with respect, and competes fairly and safely
5. Leadership - someone who consistently sets a great example for others and strives to go above and beyond the average

As you can see, a Syracuse Star really is a standout student! All votes are completely anonymous, as Mr. Recker does not allow students to share their votes with anyone. From here on out, a new Syracuse Star will be voted on each month. This first round of Syracuse Stars is from the start of school through the end of October. Here are the Stars!

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade


  1. Nice job Sam and Brenden.Way to work hard.

  2. Good job to the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This months 3rd grade stars are...
    Susan Bassinger:Trinity Bohatty
    Kathy Lechner:Samantha Pester
    Jessica LaFollette:Max Breamier

    -Natalie Thies
