Sunday, September 12, 2010

Doane Blogging Study Week 2 - Stress, Mood, and Play

How is your mood? Do you feel happy, energized, and ready to take on the challenges of the day? Being in a good mood helps us feel well. It allows us to think clearly, communicate with others, and enjoy all life has to offer. One of the biggest reasons for a poor mood is stress.

Too much stress makes us feel irritated, bothered, worried, angry, upset, and grumpy. Basically, we become overwhelmed by life’s challenges. When stress reaches this point, inflammatory signals in the body run too hot and can damage our health. Almost every organ and tissue in the body can be negatively affected by too much stress, including the brain, heart, nerves, and skin.

So what can we do to stop the wear and tear that stress can cause on the body? The number one thing to combat stress is energy. When our bodies make energy well, we can meet emotional and physical demands better. You can help your body create more energy by exercising and eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and quality protein like meat and eggs. These foods contain nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and carnitine, which help make energy and protect the nerves.

Aside from a good diet and exercise, taking the time to play is an important part of controlling stress and enhancing mood. Play simply means having fun, relaxing, and taking the edge off life. A research study in New Zealand found that workers were 82% more productive, and they slept better after taking a vacation. An article in the New York Times described how taking the time to relax and play can boost the immune system. In Australia, it was found that those who took breaks had better blood circulation and a healthy body weight. Try to discover activities that you enjoy. Sports, playing an instrument, dancing, gardening, playing a yard game, fishing, and reading are all examples of play. Taking the time to play is also a great way to bond with your friends and family, thus improving your relationships.

Find a way to forget about your worries. Some people enjoy calming music along with deep long breathes to relax. Some enjoy prayer or another form of meditation. Still others just need to laugh, which has always been a wonderful remedy to cheer up. There are many options available. The important thing is to try not to let stress overwhelm you. It is a natural part of life. In fact, a little bit of stress each day is good for us. We just have to find ways to keep it at a healthy level.

What stresses you out the most? How do you deal with that stress? What are your favorite ways to play and relax? What puts you in a good mood? Please share your comments, questions, and thoughts below!


  1. I think my brother stresses me out the most. I usually deal withit by asking him to get out of y room and watching TV. What puts me in a good mood is when my broher actually wants to help me.My favorite way to relax is to read.
    Your friend

  2. What stresses me out most is when things don't work or turn out right. My mom usually gets me talking about what made me mad and I feel better, but if I don't feel better it helps if I take a brake and read.My favorite ways to play are swimming and basketball. My favorite way to relax is to read a book, watch T.V, or spend time with my family. What puts me in a good mood is when others are in a good mood or when great things happen throughout my day.I also have a question, someone told me that stress can sometimes be a good thing, so I was wondering how stress can benefit your body?

  3. Great question! Stress can be good for us because it motivates us to accomplish things and do great work. Sometimes we are faced with challenges that can test us, and cause us to perform at our best physically and mentally. A school project or a sporting event would be two examples of things that might cause positive stress.

  4. By the way, who asked that question? I didn't see a first name by your post?

  5. my mom and dad stress me out they are always on the go. jalyn

  6. The thang that stress me out is like my mom when she tells me a lot to do and i cant do it all. The only thing to keep me away frome strees is i will blog or i will lisen to music.

  7. why is stress good for us? by preston

  8. When someone I know is having cancer or surgery it stresses me out. My favorite ways to play and relax are playing video games, playing outside and doing stuff with my brother, friends and family. I get in a good mood when I get good grades, do something fun, and hang out with my friends and family.

  9. This weeks article was very facinating. My usual cause of stress is when I am annoyed, someone makes me uncomfortable, or if things just aren't going the way I would like them to be. To prevent my stress I go into a quiet area and busy myself or just think until I feel better. Sometimes if there is no quiet place to escape to, I will talk my problem over with a friend I trust, or with mom or dad. My question is, what diseases can stress cause, and what are the symptoms? Thank you!

  10. Preston - If you look at the comments before yours, I answer the question as to why stress is good for us.

  11. Emma - When we are in a state of chronic stress (continuous stress) our bodies produce too much inflammation. The right amount of inflammation is a good thing and helps our bodies repair. Too much inflammation causes wear and tear on our bodies, and is a factor in all major disease including obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. If you are too stressed, the usual symptoms are poor mood, lack of energy, and poor immune system function. Thanks for the question

  12. Sometimes I get stressed. I relax by laying in my bed and thinking. Sometimes I evan read. I have to brothers that can get me stressed, but I just relax and do the thing that help me. I get realy busy too with the sports I play which realy gets to me, but it keeps me heathy and foucus.

  13. when i see someone who is feeling down it makes me feel bad inside because i wish i could prevent that from happening.if you friend starts to get grumpy even when he was having fun ,i just wished i could go back and see how is mood for all of you out there who feel down just cheer up don't feel down even if you got in trouble just be happy with your life and respect it till you die because even tho one part in your life was horrible maybe the next part in your life might be fun so just be happy and like it while your still alive.

  14. Izaak I really like your attitude. I agree with you that you have to appreciate all the great things about your life. Many of us here in Nebraska are very fortunate. The happier we are, the healthier we are!

  15. If stress can be bad for us, then why does are bodys create stress.

  16. A certain level of stress is not bad for us. In fact, the right amount of stress helps us survive and meet the challenges of the day. It's only when we become over-stressed that is causes damage to the body.

  17. Thank you for the great post! My mood depends on how tired I am If my body is tired, I am not in my best mood.Ifmy body is rested ,I am energetic and I am always on the move with confidence. For a winter vacation, my family and I always go to the Great Wolf LOdge in Kansas City. In the summer my family and I always go on a larger trip.My favorite sports are soccer, badmiton, basketball, and volleyball.I play the trumpet and the piano.I am a great reader and I love to do it. When my friends are down, I cheer them up by making up a nonsense joke and then laughing at it when I tell it to them. It makes them giggle. What stresses me out the most is when I am sad and mad about something. Thanks again!
