Sunday, May 12, 2013

Farmers Markets

As we come to the end of another school year and leap into summer break, don't forget to check out the truly great farmers markets that Nebraska has to offer. This is a great chance to meet local family farmers who produce some of the freshest, healthiest food you will find anywhere. Click the link below to find information on a farmers market near you!

2013 Fitness Testing - Pacer, 30 yd Sprint, 20 yd Shuttle, Broad Jump

Click the link below to see SDA Rocket PE students participating in fitness assessments!

2013 Fitness Testing - Pacer, 30 yd Sprint, 20 yd Shuttle, Broad Jump

April/May PE Star Students

Below are the final PE Star Students of the year. These kids were great examples of high character in their classes. Great job students! 

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade


Monday, May 6, 2013

6th Grade PE Vocab Study Guide

6th Grade PE Vocabulary
Aerobic - Energy made with oxygen. Dominates light/moderate exercise
Anaerobic - Energy made without oxygen. Dominates intense exercise           
Endurance - Sustaining energy for extended periods of time    
Agility - Movement that requires change of direction
Strength - The amount of force applied to something (lifting, pulling, pushing, etc.)
Speed - The time it takes for the body to move from point “A” to point “B”
Coordination - Moving the body with balance and rhythm, smooth movement, opposite of clumsy
Flexibility - Range of motion of joints and muscles
Power - Strength and speed combining in a burst of energy
Metabolism - How well the body uses food to supply energy to the body
Muscle Contraction - The lengthening and shortening of a muscle (eccentric and concentric phases)
Body Composition - Lean mass compared to fat mass
Health - The overall feeling of wellness incorporating physical, mental, and emotional well-being
Detoxification - Ridding the body of metabolic waste/toxins.
Fitness - The body’s overall physical performance (strength, speed, power, etc.)
Micronutrients - Nutrients required by the body in small quantities (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients)
Macronutrients - Nutrients required by the body in large quantities (proteins, carbohydrates, fats)
Cardiovascular System – System involving the heart and blood vessels
Reaction Time - The amount of time it takes to respond to a signal
Balance – Stability; being in a position to avoid falling
Athletic Position - A position that allows one to move and react with ease, knees bent, feet apart, weight on the balls of the feet
Immune System - The body’s system that fights off pathogens and disease
Endorphins - Neurotransmitters the body releases during exercise that give one a sense of pleasure or well-being
BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) - Substance released in the brain in response to exercise to rejuvenate and repair the brain
Interval Training - Training that includes bouts of high intensity exercise (anaerobic) mixed with bouts of low intensity (aerobic) exercise. It can be done with only two exercises.
Circuit Training – Total body training that involves three or more exercises performed with very little rest in between.
Stress Management - Controlling pressures in your life to prevent health damage
Resistance Training - Training that involves muscle contraction under a load
Work Ethic – The amount of effort and determination you display
Leadership - Setting an excellent example in personal character

Sunday, May 5, 2013

3rd Grade Vocab Study Guide

3rd Grade PE Vocabulary
Walking - Moving one foot in front of the other at a “slow” speed
Jogging - Striding at a “medium” speed     
Running - Striding at a “fast” speed           
Jumping - Launching and landing on two feet
Hopping - Launching and landing on one foot
Skipping - Hopping one time on the left foot and then one time on the right foot, and repeating
Galloping - Striding forward while keeping the feet in a split stance (one foot forward, one foot back)
Crawling - Moving the body with hands and feet on the ground
Shuffling - Sideways movement keeping the knees bent and feet apart
Healthy - Feeling well, physically, mentally, and emotionally
Energy - Something the body makes that allows it to move and work hard
Fitness - The body’s overall physical performance (strength, endurance, speed, etc.)
Strength - The amount of force one can apply to something; the ability to lift, push, pull, or carry something
Speed - The time it takes the body to move from point “A” to point “B”
Mood - Emotional Health
Body Control - The ability to perform movements safely amongst other students; not bumping into others when moving
Sportsmanship -Treating all competitors with respect & kindness, playing fairly, and enjoying the game whether you win or lose
Effort - The amount of energy a student puts into a task
Focus - Concentration, listening, paying attention
Offense - Trying to score points
Defense - Trying to prevent the other team from scoring points
Violation - Breaking a rule accidentally (not on purpose)
Dribbling - Moving an object with hands or feet while maintaining control
Warm-up - The beginning exercises/movements involved in a PE class
Shooting - The act of moving a ball into a net to score points
Cheating –Breaking a rule on purpose to gain an advantage
Scoring - Keeping track of points to decide on a winner
Passing - Moving a ball/puck to a teammate, sharing the ball/puck
Teamwork - Working together to achieve success
Goal - Something a person wants to accomplish over a period of time; a personal best

Laughter Improves Immune Defense!

Feeling sick or rundown? Well grab some chicken soup, a blanket, and your favorite funny movie. Although the soup and blanket may be comforting, the laughter that the funny movie will induce could be the key to feeling better fast. The research study referenced below showed an increase in natural killer cell activity as laughter response increased. Natural killer cells are cells your body makes to destroy the bacteria/virus that is causing you to feel ill. Laughter is great medicine!


Image courtesy of:

Deeper Squats = better performance

In a recent study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers found that doing deeper squats was superior to shallow squats. If you want greater increases in muscle mass and power, eventually you want to be able to get your upper thighs parallel or deeper. For those that lack the mobility to get deeper, quarter squats can still be beneficial, just not to the degree of deeper squats. Remember, it's a smart idea to master the movement with your body-weight before loading the movement with additional weight (med balls, dumbbells, barbells, etc.)

Study Reference:  Bloomquist K, Langberg H, Karlsen S, Madsgaard S, Boesen M, Raastad T. Effect of range of motion in heavy load squatting on muscle and tendon adaptations. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013 Apr 20

image courtesy of

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A few more 6th grade lessons

Check out a few more 6th grade lessons! The link is below.

A few more 6th grade lessons

Ladder Ball 2013

To watch Ladder Ball highlights from PE class, click the link below!

Ladder Ball 2013

6th Grade Plans PE - Video 3

Click on the link below to see the third installment of 6th grade PE lessons!

6th Grade Plans PE - Video 3

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Don't Sit, Get Fit...AFter School!

4th-6th Graders are finishing up their last take home assignment of the year. It is an assignment encouraging all students to develop the habit of being active after school. Check out the assignment below!

Don’t Sit, Get Fit…After School!
Name___________________________________________ Grade________

Scientific research is telling us that if you move more throughout the day, you will live a longer, healthier life. After school, many kids are going home and sitting the rest of the day and night playing video games, surfing the web, or watching television. Instead of doing this, make it a goal to move! There are many options to choose from such as: sports, bike riding, jogging, flying a kite, walking the dog, hiking, or just playing games with friends. Try new things and get involved!

Below you will log seven days of ASA “After School Activity.” List the date, activity you participated in (ASA), and how long you spent doing it (Active Time). It is okay to do the same thing more than once. The goal is to make sure you are doing something active! Have fun!

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Active Time________________

Great Job! Now keep going! Make it a long-term goal to spend time being active after school. You will be healthier and feel better because of it. Don’t sit, get fit!